
Watercolor Paintings

Water as a medium and water as a subject often meet under Sylvie's paintbrush. Just as Claude Monet, she is fascinated by the shimmering reflections of the water, by its sparkle, by the clouds, and the sunbeams revealed through the mist. Being a musician as well, each painting is like a song where the colors emphasize movement and rhythm in the artwork. Nomadic artist, Sylvie Chadourne works indoors and draws inspiration from memories of feelings and emotions she captures during her travels, sometimes with her camera too, for further reference. The French artist likes to say that most of her work consists in contemplating Nature during her strolls, to then transcend the composition of the scenes, when she is back to her studio.

Most of the watercolor paintings presented here are for sale. You may pruchase originals and prints at Saatchi Art or order directly from the artist. The use of professional material, such as Sennelier high quality pigments and Arches CP 300gr. 100% cotton paper, guarantee the longevity of the artworks.

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    Title: Vision de Claude Monet et des nymphéas, sur le pont Japonais à Giverny | 2022
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 36x51 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "It all started the day I came across an old colourized photo of Claude Monet posing on his famous Japanese bridge. I wanted to take up the idea of a portrait of Claude Monet contemplating his garden in Giverny. The Water Lilies being an important source of inspiration for the impressionist painter, I could only put these flowers in the foreground. The refined geometric representation of the water lily flower, which seems to exist only for the artist, gives the painting its full meaning for me."

    'Claude Monet sur le pont Japonais à Giverny'
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    Title: Delicious Solitude | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 31x41 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "This watercolour enchants me, just as Frank Bramley's painting enchanted me, of which this painting is a pastiche (imitation or evocation of the style). I love its atmosphere, both bucolic and sophisticated. At first glance, I would have sworn it was a painting by Claude Monet, but no, this young woman reading in the coolness of a peaceful garden is a work dated 1909 and produced by the post-impressionist British painter. I opted for a more open framing and my interpretation of the foliage lets in the light. One can feel that I enjoyed painting the lace, my little personal tribute to my grandmother who was a lace-maker in Calais. Displaying a little old-fashioned romantic feeling, this painting finally emanates a sentiment of inner peace, of quality of the moment which makes it the ideal image for a reading room, or a bedroom."

    'Delicious Solitude'
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    Title: Lecture en forêt Bretonne | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "Chaos, in French, are heaps of large rocks, typical of the forests of Brittany. They lend a unique look to landscapes, adding their granite colour to the rich green palette of the forests in this region. Sometimes covered with moss, they look like green giants that have been sleeping there for centuries. These forests are a perfect natural setting to escape in thought reading a book."

    'Lecture en forêt Bretonne'
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    Title: Il était une fois...les 1001 nuits | 2019
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 51x35,5 cm

    Artist Insight:

    "As you may guess, I love to read! I started sketching the girl reading on a coach with a curtain behind. Then, I didn't want to represent a huge sofa of little graphic interest, covering the entire length of the painting. I had the idea of transforming the edge of the sofa into a sand dune, and there is no better subject than a couple of camels and their driver to symbolize the desert. From there, everything was allowed. The painting decided its destiny as if by itself: it would be an illustration of an imaginary world inspired by the adventures of the Arabian Nights tale. The rest of the composition imposed itself from there. Sinbad's sailboat rushed through the stormy sea to enter the painting from the right side. Ali Baba's cavern gave a glimpse of its treasure inside the cushion. The curtain opened on an Arab city, as it would come out of a storybook. This painting is one of my achievements of which I am most proud."

    'Il était une fois...les 1001 nuits'
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    Title: La Rencontre | 2019
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "How I wish I could hypnotize a wild animal with my flute! I sometimes draw my inspiration from my memories, or from my deepest childhood wishes. This painting is about our connection to Mother Nature and how children can always connect with it more deeply. This painting illustrates how music and innocence can bring both human and animal kingdoms together."

    Award: This painting made semi-finalist at KingHouseGallery Art Contest

    'La Rencontre'
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    Title: Water lily in Brittany | 2019
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "I used my own reference photo for this painting. As Brittany sky was often clouded, I imagined the colours I would have loved to see. Being interested in geometric patterns, the Water Lily flower is a motif I always wanted to paint but had never really dared to. After a quite elaborate first attempt, I started from scratch again and spent several days painting this flower to reach a satisfactory render, but it is nothing compared to how long it took Mother Nature to craft such beauties."

    'Water lily fantasy'
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    Title: Le Printemps des Oiseaux | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 51x35,5 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "I love bird-watching and enjoy painting them even more. Here, I wanted to illustrate a flying bird and a posing one among the fresh flowers of Springtime, when the air is loaded with life."

    'Le Printemps des Oiseaux'
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    Title: Woman in Bloom | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 31x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "Sometimes I thoroughly predesigned my painting before I start painting , sometimes I just follow my inspiration and I start from a blank paper then see where it leads. It can be a long term process before I am satisfied. This painting stayed in my drawing carpet for a while until one night, I had the inspiration of blending the face of a woman into the flower. I have explored this path and some more paintings are on their ways."

    'Woman in Bloom'
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    Title: Le Voyage en Voilier | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 51x35,5 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "The original idea was to represent an imaginary landscape using coloured gray glazes. I was so unhappy with the first result that I left the painting in a drawer for several months, until one day I thought of it, and took it out. That day was THE day to «save» this painting. I got so inspired and fearless that I dared to emphasize the foggy mood, adding the houses blending into the mist. The bird was initially the primary subject; it got supplanted but it is still the guide leading the eye into the landscape."

    'Le Voyage en Voilier'
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    Title: Unconditional Love | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 51x35,5 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "This one is part of the paintings that are inspired by a mood, itself triggered by a certain color scheme. It is about the contrast between the cloudy sky, the strong colored background and the romantic atmosphere in the foreground, where a beautiful couple of swans are courting, creating the heart-shaped with their necks."

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    Title: Introspection | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 31x41 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "I started this watercolor without a plan, just following my inspiration. The subject imposed itself little by little, in complicity with my subconscious, to end up telling this beautiful story. I have received many comments on social medias about this artwork. It is interesting to see how many different interpretations can be done. Depending on each one's own sensibility and/or state of mind, it is seen as positive and enlightening or depressing. To me it is about the dialogue with one's inner self and how our connection to nature can help us to cope with our human condition."

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    Title: Woman at the window | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 51x35,5 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "I always wanted to paint a woman sitting in a window, looking out, as it illustrates so well how our mind and imagination tend to escape to other horizons when we are facing a window opening on a beautiful view. I made this painting right after the first lockdown in 2020. It took on a much deeper meaning since so many of us were cloistered at home, with a window as the only possibility of escape."

    'Woman at the window'
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    Title: Wild Run | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm

    Artist Insight:

    "Horses are one of my favorite themes. They are so graceful and always strongly express the feeling of freedom. My goal here was also to use a limited but original color chart. The rendering of sand kicked up by galloping horses was also an interesting challenge to tackle."

    'Wild Run'
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    Title: Promenade en barque | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "There are times in my life as a painter when I am obsessed with certain color ranges. This watercolor is an excellent example of this 'chromatic quest': here clash and complement each other bright yellows, greyish purples and warm blues. This autumn landscape, where a couple are boating on a lake, exudes the peaceful joy of a moment of relaxation in nature."

    'Promenade en barque'
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    Title: Comox | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 35.5x25 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "I have had the immense pleasure to travel to Canada and visit Vancouver Island. This is a view from Comox and the incredibly beautiful sunsets that I witnessed that evening."

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    Title: Colorado Rockies | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "During a road trip through the USA, I was very impressed by discovering the Rocky Mountains and I could not help but think of the first settlers who arrived there to face this impressive natural barrier. I spent countless hours gazing at the changing weather above the peaks and used more than one photo I took in Colorado as a reference to compose this typical view of rural USA."

    'Colorado Rockies'
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    Title: Rainy day | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "My intention was to represent the rain, to render this particular atmosphere in the fall where the downpour gives way to the sun and the air takes on a divine light. The range of colors is quite limited but chosen in order to sublimate the romantic and serene mood of this scene where a couple of lovers are walking in a park."

    'Rainy day'
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    Title: Les oies sauvages | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "I wanted to paint a wide-angle perspective of a landscape, really inviting to travel and leading the mind to escape to a cheerful world, with warm colors and space. "

    'Les oies sauvages'
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    Title: Provence | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 31x41 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "This painting is one of the first painting projects that came to me when I started painting with watercolors. Inspired by Claude Monet's painting entitled 'Les Oies' (the Geese), this watercolor is loaded with my childhood memories in Provence. From Monet's painting, only the female figure in front of the house remains. The rocky facade that can be seen in the background are the foothills of the Sainte Victoire mountain, dear to Paul Cezanne."

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    Title: Behind the trees | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "During a summer trip in the south of France, I passed by a gate that called my attention. I peeked and discovered the sight of huge trees casting their shadows on a driveway leading to a beautiful and mysterious facade. I took a picture and once back to my studio, I used it as a reference photo. I added the cat sitting in the alley and looking at the audience, as I needed some company ;-)"

    'Behind the trees'
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    Title: La Femme à l'ombrelle | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 35.5x51 cm

    Artist Insight:

    "During the first lockdown in 2020, I was craving for outdoors as most of the people. A seascape with an open sky is to me such a mind relaxing view."

    'La Femme à l'ombrelle'
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    Title: Boundless | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 35.5x51 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "When I started this painting I wanted to invent a seascape and a sky, using a hue range I have never used before. As I always love a subject in my paintings, a running horse seemed to be a great choice. It gives a sense of freedom and movement."

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    Title: Flamingos | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "This is one of my first watercolors. As you may have noticed, I love colors! This painting was a pretext to experiment with a wide range of tones and textures, while depicting the grace of Flamingos."

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    Title: Un matin au Canada | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 41x31 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "A couple in a canoe peacefully glide on the surface of a Canadian lake as the sun is rising. This scene could have been captured by an artist last week or during the 17th century. It ageless."

    'Un matin au Canada'
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    Title: Be the Bee | 2021
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 35.5x51 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "Here microcosms and macrocosms merge together. The fine translucent walls of the flower metamorphose themselves into the walls of a coloured cave. The pistil becomes a toboggan of light. Just like the bee collecting pollen, we have the privilege of visiting the enchanted world of this remarkable Iris flower."

    'Be the Bee'
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    Title: Frozen Lake | 2020
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 35.5x51 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "Snow is white? Yes and no! It is another state of water, and as water it reflects the surrounding light.In this painting I wanted to render an utopian memory of my trip to Canada and the winter atmosphere that I glimpsed at; the fine hues of snow, ice, and the fog mingling with the clouds. The particular perspective of this vertical landscape guides the viewer's gaze all around the image, making it both catchy and relaxing."

    'Frozen Lake'
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    Title: Door to Freedom | 2019
    Watercolor on paper
    Size: 30x40 cm
    For sale

    Artist Insight:

    "This my first attempt to combine graphite pencil and watercolor paint. My interest in geometry is represented here by the oriental arabesque door and the "geometrized" female character which is allied to the symbol of the bird representing here the soul detaching itself from the body."

    'Door to Freedom'

To Sylvie Chadourne, nature is more than a constant source of inspiration. It is the main subject she explores again and again, aiming to capture its essence, its patterns; the very bond that unites all living beings. Architecture, human figure, animals, flowers, trees, skies, waters become the protagonists of an idealized nature. Vibrant colors and transparent properties of watercolor paints allow the artist to capture the essence of her subjects in a unique way. Working with this medium is challenging, but also exciting and very rewarding.